This course is designed for any man that struggles with lust and any way that sin is expressed. This is a 10 week cinematic presentation of what is happening spiritually, physically, and relationally for men battling sexual sin. It gives men an opportunity to become connected to other men and begin to come out of isolation. By making men aware of what is at stake and how the enemy is setting them up for failure many men begin to understand how to fight more effectively. These groups are led by men who have been through this course and completed The Seven Pillars to Freedom.
This takes the men deeper in their journey to freedom by working a 9-12 months intensive discipleship series. The real freedom comes as we expose the lies we have believed and insert Truth at the place of that wounding. By being in relationship to other men on an ongoing basis real community and accountability can happen which is life transforming. We did not get ourselves into the situation we are currently in over the weekend. So the recovery is usually a lot longer than we anticipated. But there is hope because other men are experiencing freedom and it is visible to the group which encourages everyone to press into Jesus.
This is a 29 week on-line course for men designed to build their identity in Christ. Ideally this is taken after the Conquer Series and can be a pre-cursor to the Seven Pillars to Freedom. There is a significant positive theme to this study that makes it appealing to men as they put sin to death in their lives.
This is a year-long course for spouses that have been the victim of a sexually addicted husband. The class is designed to help women heal by providing support to one another and care for each other while working through a discipleship program specifically geared to deal with the trauma sexual addiction brings to a marriage and family. Often finding support and help for women in this situation is challenging. This course provides hope and practical help for women that have suffered from betrayal of a spouse.
This is a year-long course for women who are trading sex for love. Usually there is an increased feeling of shame for a woman caught in love and sexual addiction. Women that find themselves in a cycle of relationships seeking the elusive love they desire are candidates for this course. Dealing with the addictive mindset as well as the lies we tell ourselves gives us a chance to focus on the truth and change our thinking. This discipleship material is specifically targeting women caught in the bondage of sexual sin.
This is a 9 – 12 months course designed to help people dealing with any type of addiction. This was created by Michael Dye who authored the Faster Scale which we use in all our courses. The class helps each person support one another and care for each other while working through discipleship material specifically geared to deal with any type of addiction. This will help bring health to the marriage and family.
We do awareness training in local churches helping both men, women, and teens understand the effects of pornography. We have a teaching ministry designed to help believers understand the calling and freedom God has for us in Christ. This teaching can be tailored to age appropriate training.
Independent studies show as many as 65% of church going men are looking at pornography regularly. They know it is wrong and want to stop yet they keep looking at it anyway. The problem is these men do not use their prefrontal cortex (logical reasoning center of the brain) when faced with temptation. The amygdala (fight or flight center of the brain) takes over and trumps reason. This override is why men will do outrageous sin with a complete disregard for consequences while knowing it is wrong. This override in the brain also explains why telling men to stop looking at porn does not change behavior.
The lie is usually, “This is not hurting anyone…” Or, “I am not doing anything that is as bad as adultery or….” Nobody thinks their sin is controlling them or leading them to the place that Proverbs 7:23 states, “will cost him his life.” That is until there is a complete train wreck and lots of collateral damage. We work with people in that predicament, but we also would like to be a preventative measure helping people see the dangers of sexual sin early before there are catastrophic consequences.
**Use the link to purchase any of the books associated with the curriculum*
**FIM Ministries receives 10% back on all purchases made from this link. So please use it when ordering new materials to help reach more men and women in the Houston area.
If you are looking for one on one time or counseling then you should contact a
licensed therapist.
You cannot come and “check it out…” The groups are closed to foster safety and encourage
deep levels of sharing not usually experienced in other settings.
We are people who have found freedom in Jesus and believe in giving that away to others.
“Freely you have received now freely give…”. Matthew 10:5-8
We offer men and women a safe environment, to be honest, AND we work a proven
curriculum that helps shape our minds in a positive direction.
But experience has shown that 95% of the people that show up prepared, by having done their work, find a significant measure of freedom in their lives over addictive behaviors.